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    The Partnership Development Process

    Parkview Innovation is excited about the prospect of working with new and innovative companies that have the ability to change and improve health care! We strive to provide full visibility into our Partnership Development Process. If you choose to submit and application to partner with Parkview, you will progress through six stages. Throughout the process, you will be able to visit your Spigit application and view the stage of the process you are currently in. Thank you for your commitment to bettering the healthcare experience, we hope to hear from you soon. If you are interested in learning more about Parkview Research and Innovation, please visit our website Parkview Mirro Center

    Partnership Stages

    1. Partnership Submission: Prospective partner will fill out the initial intake form found here (Post Application) to provide Parkview Innovation with information about your company and product/service. 

    2. Initial Discovery: Prospective Partner will meet with the Parkview Innovation team to discuss more about their company and product/service to begin discussion of potential partnership opportunities. 

    3. Research Discovery: Prospective partner will meet with Parkview's Clinical Redsearch or Health Services and Informatics Research (HSIR) team to dive deeper into a potential partnership.

    4. Contract Development: Prospective Partner and Parkview Innovation, Research, and Legal will work to develop and agree on a partnership contract that outlines the specific project objectives, protocol, roles/responsibilities, and timelines. 

    5. Project Launch: Once the contract is approved by both parties, the project will officially launch. 

    6. Project Completion: After the project has been completed, it will be moved into the Project Completion stage. If both parties are interested in further partnership, you may be moved back into stage 4 to restart the Contract Development process.